What's Happening

Details on upcoming events and any changes you should know

24/7 Prayer Room

January 5th-26th

Our 24/7 Prayer room is off to a great start! As we go through our 21 days of prayer and fasting, the goal for this room is to fill it with prayer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 3 weeks straight. We are even more excited to be partnering with several other churches this time around. If you've never tried the prayer room, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take our word for it and sign up for an hour early in the 21 days. The vast majority of people who spent an hour in our last room immediately signed up for more and said one hour wasn't nearly enough! Click the button below to sign up!

Vision Dinner

sunday, FEBRuary 23RD @5:00pm

We can't wait to celebrate what God has done and is doing at Bayside! Join us at Calvary Baptist Church (506 Cottonwood St) on Sunday, January 26th at 5:00pm for a Potluck dinner and worship. Bring your favorite dish or side to share (and don't worry if you can't bring something, there will be plenty!) and join us for a time of fellowship, prayer, and worship!

Keeping the Prayer Room Going

we love what god is doing

Many have asked about keeping our prayer room available year-round. We would LOVE to do this! The cost for the room is approximately $1500/month. Would you consider making a recurring gift specifically for the prayer room in addition to your usual tithe to help cover this cost? We will make a decision in the next few weeks on whether to continue the prayer room based on recurring gifts made.