What's Happening

Details on upcoming events

Prayer Room

join us for special lent activities

Our 24/7 prayer room was a huge success in January! We've been thrilled to continue this room for prayer and small group meetings because of your generous giving. Thank you! Beginning March 5th, we will be resetting the room (clearing the prayer wall, thankfulness wall, and putting up a new art wall) and adding some new Lent-oriented prayer activities. Please join us in filling this room with prayer! The week leading up to Easter we would like to fill the room with 24/7 prayer. Consider signing up today to take an hour or two! Our goal is to have 24/7 prayer from 6pm on Saturday April 12th through 6pm Saturday April 19th.

Baptism & Lunch


Join us March 23rd for lunch and to celebrate with those taking this important step in their faith!

Community Easter Egg Hunt

saturday, april 19th @10am

Our annual community Easter Egg Hunt is back again! We've got 10,000 eggs to stuff full of candy and many other ways to help! This is a great way to love our community. Eggs are available on Sundays at church, and you can click the button below to sign up to help.